ABM Plays VS Campaigns

Dominik Elmiger
3 min readJun 30, 2020

I recently recorded an intro video on ABM plays and how to run them. You can watch the 3min video below or read the transcript underneath. Be sure to check out the resources below.

The magic between sales and marketing visualised

Further resources:

  • I created an ABM playbook. This focuses on the 1to1 approach and how marketing and sales can work together and become a winning strategic team.
  • Account selection template: How to choose the best accounts to win smarter and faster
  • ABM planning. Plays vs campaigns and the different approaches and responsibilities
What are ABM Plays and how to run them

Transcript: What are ABM Plays and how to run them


I want to talk about ABM specifically ABM plays. I think there’s a great opportunity to be much much closer to sales team and perhaps you’re already doing this and then that’s great.

When it comes to account selection, I created an account scoring template that enables SDRs (sales development representatives) and even AEs (account executives) to choose accounts and run them through a template that spits out a little score at the end that will give us a bit of a sense where this company will be relevant to go after or not.

Tools like Zoominfo or Cognism will overall help sourcing these accounts. It’ll help drilling into the accounts and see who would be a relevant stakeholder to talk to. When we look at this in more practical terms we can group these [accounts] and enrol them on plays.

What are ABM plays

Ultimately what it is, it’s just a themed campaign and the vision here is to build up a whole range of different plays, looking into individual accounts and see what’s happening here and then just pick this ABM play off the shelf and throw it into account.

An example of an ABM play could be a competitor takeout campaign. Perhaps we already know that our sales team is working on an opportunity with a key account. But we also know that they’re talking to different competitors of ours, so can we actually go in and play to our strengths and perhaps to their weaknesses and just highlighting some of the elements we’re good at. More top of the funnel campaign could be for example an industry report but not just having one report but a whole array of resources, we could receive over a longer period of time. And a longer a period of time that also means having a bit more of an omni-channel experience from the prospect customer experience perspective not just rely on LinkedIn but really think of the different channels available. And I would classify the SDR as an added marketing channel. We can do clever things. We can do CRM onboarding, we can go after these accounts we can use an intent tool that shows us if there is some motion within an account and perhaps we can jump on this one.

Lastly, I would also look at the existing customer base and see whether there is an opportunity for us to land and expand. So, I think to sum this up, it’s pretty much a very close relationship marketing needs to have with sales.

What next

Nowhere near did I cover all the ins and outs of ABM, merely scratched the surface here. I love talking how technology can provide users a personalised and contextualised experience. If you’re passionate about this too, get in touch… https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominikelmiger/



Dominik Elmiger

I’m a digital marketer and passionate how brands can provide a better customer experience with the help of emerging technologies.